2015-7-30 · $ iptables-save > iptables-script 现在,信息包过滤表中的所有规则都被保存在文件 iptables-script 中。 无论何时再次引导系统,都可以使用 iptables-restore 命令将规则集从该脚本文件恢复到信息包过滤表,如下所示:
DoS Deflate Iptables - 安全技术 - 亿速云 2020-6-28 · DoS Deflate 是一个轻量级阻止拒绝服务***的bash shell脚本。我们可以根据自己需要修改特定参数,来达到目的! 安装/卸载都很简单,分别执行下面三步就可以了: Linux使用iptables进行异机备份/恢复教程 | 学步园 2020-2-4 · Linux使用iptables进行异机备份/恢复教程, 在Linuxp系统中,itables命令可以为我们进行异机备份或恢复,但可能很多用户还不是很 一键配置CentOS iptables防火墙的Shell脚本分 …
USG多WAN口的端口映射 、转发、upnp - …
debian - iptables: The "script" way or the "*filter, rules 2020-6-6 · Or script the iptables commands you used to make that firewall: The -F switch clears the firewall creating a blank slate and subsequently adding rules in a script is an alternative to using the iptables-restore command with should result in a similar end state. linux 网卡限速(利用tc,iptables limit模块等)-云 … 2017-11-24 · 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 #利用iptables limit模块限速 # #!/bin/bash #SPEED=`/bin/bash /etc/zabbix/script
iptables-xml. is used to convert the output of iptables-save to an XML format. Using the iptables.xslt stylesheet converts the XML back to the format of iptables-restore. ip6tables* are a set of commands for IPV6 that parallel the iptables commands above. nfsynproxy (optional) configuration tool. SYNPROXY target makes handling of large SYN
FireHOL – a shell script wrapping iptables with an easy-to-understand plain-text configuration file NuFW – an authenticating firewall extension to Netfilter Shorewall – a gateway/firewall configuration tool, making it possible to use easier rules and have them mapped to iptables This assumes that all commands that appear in the script prior to